Every Child a Writer programme

What does ECaW aim to do? 

The ECaW programme aims to ensure faster progress at the beginning of Key Stage 2. It aims to secure the age-related expectation and to support schools in ensuring children make two levels of progress across Key Stage 2.

It provides a three-tier model for all children through:

• improving quality first teaching for the whole class

• improving guided writing to meet group needs

• providing one-to-one teaching for those children who need it most.

ECaW targets the aspects of writing that children find the hardest – especially sentence construction and text cohesion.

Who is involved in ECaW?

In each school a Leading Teacher works alongside two teachers. Support and training for Tutors can also be provided.

The personalised support for schools and teachers offered through ECaW means that teachers are effectively guided to use resources and materials that will directly support and extend the teaching and learning for their own class at the point of planning, enabling fast and excellent progress in both planning and learning and teaching approaches. The relationship between assessment, APP and planning from the Primary Framework and its associated resources is clearly demonstrated and made relevant to each class and group of children. This makes explicit the key areas of writing that will impact most directly on progress.

Autumn term Spring term Summer term
3 half-day LT visits to each teacher

  • Review current planning and assessment procedures
  • LT to visit a literacy lesson with a particular focus on the teaching of writing
  • Review planning and progress
  • Identify pupils for tuition this term

Cluster meeting

The cluster meeting will be led by the LT with participating schools in the cluster and held after school.

2 days of LT visits In the spring term each school will receive 2 x 1 day of in-class coaching and support from the LT. The focus of these visits will vary for each class depending on the areas identified for the needs of the teacher and children.The ongoing focus will be on supporting underperforming children to secure level 3.

Cluster meeting

The cluster meeting will be led by the LT with participating schools in the cluster and held after school.

1 day LT visit In the summer term each school will receive 1 day of in-class coaching and support from the LT. The focus of these visits will vary for each class depending on the areas identified for the needs of the teacher and children. The final session in the summer term will review the process of support with the headteacher, subject leader and class teacher.

Cluster meeting

The cluster meeting will be led by the LT with participating schools in the cluster and held after school.


How will schools benefit from being part of the Every Child a Writer programme?

ECaW in practice – experience of those involved.Leading teachers in the ECaW programme.